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يتحدث البروفيسير ايمن حسن لنجاوي استشاري الجراحة العامة وجراحة المناظير وجراحة الاورام والثدي يوم الاربعاء الموافق 3/ 5 / 2017 الساعة ال11:00 صباحا ويعاد يوم الخميس الساعة 16:30 بتوقيت مكة المكرمة ببرنامج موزاييك علي قناة اقرأ.
حيث يتحدث البروفيسير عن اورام سرطان الثدي وطرق الكشف ا
201709 - 03
The kidneys of the heroes to get rid of toxins and waste and excess water in the body, in addition to their importance in the performance of some of the important vital functions, which include:
Regulate sodium levels in the body
Regulate potassium levels
Regulate pH levels
Maintain bloo
201709 - 03
Afinland study found a strong correlation between lack of vitamin "d" and frequent headaches, which revealed that the lack of this vitamin may cause migraine headaches or Migraine sister, as well as tumors. And analyzed the organizers of the study data about 2600 Finnish men, aged between
201709 - 03
According to conclusions of many studies that the quality of food is related to the spread of acne which adversely affect the appearance of the skin and the freshness of the face. We are dealing with in this report is the optimal diet for the prevention of acne annoying blisters and reduce symptoms.